
Getting the Best from Meal Rep ...

Posted on: May 24, 2011 By: GuestPoster | 0 Comments
We all know that losing weight isn’t easy, which is probably why you have landed on this web page in the first place right?  Well, there is a method that can be easier than most and that’s something called meal replacement shakes for weight loss.  If you’ve not heard about them before or simply want some detailed information on these diet shakes then read on.  I am going to try and explain meal replacement shakes for weight loss in one easy hit. Meal replacement shakes for weight loss are an effective of losing weight as you can control your daily calorie intake, and as well all know less calories equals less pounds right?  OK so we’re in agreement.  This is how they work.  Because weight loss shakes contain fewer calories than a main meal, but they are quite large in volume, they can make you feel like you are full up which should stop you snacking.  I won’t lie to you though – you will probably still feel hungry so unless you some motivation in that large belly of yours then you won’t succeed with meal replacement shakes for weight loss. I was an overweight smoker.  Emphasis on the “was”.  Nowadays I am as fit as fiddle.  I exercise, I don’t smoke, and I eat healthy.  As well as meal replacement weight loss shakes, I also undertook some stop smoking hypnosis sessions last year.  Getting hypnotised to stop smoking might sound wacky – but it worked.  I also lost ten pounds in two months with meal replacement shake for weight loss.  I look and feel better… and the feeling better is the most important aspect to me.  I am just a happier person and lead a healthier lifestyle now.  Believe me, if I can do, then you can do it.  Give meal replacement shakes a go.  You don’t have to make your own, if you fancy you can buy them in the supermarket.  One of the leading brands is called SlimFast – you’ve probably seen them in the shops or on a TV ad.  Give them a go for at least a month, exercise a little, and you too could soon see the different the meal replacement shakes for weight loss can make to your life. Oh, and the best thing?  They are safe and healthy – don’t go near any miracle cures.  You, some desire to win, and these shakes are all you need.  You can do ... Read More

Low calorie recipes – on ...

Posted on: Feb 20, 2011 By: Steve | 0 Comments
Low calorie recipes for weight loss? If you’re battling a bit of extra bulge, it’s difficult to sort reality from the sea of “conventional weight loss wisdom.”  Most weight loss information is completely incorrect, and perhaps the most prolific and proliferated bit of misinformation relates to the relationship between calories and weight. Conventional wisdom says this:  Calories in – Calories burned = FAT.  Therefore, popular myth holds, losing weight is just a matter of “burning” more calories than you consume.  You “burn” calories through the activities of daily living as well as by exercising. There’s only one problem with this equation:  it’s flat wrong.  They types of calories you consume bear far more heavily on your heaviness than the pure number of calories you take in. We know this intuitively; nobody would argue that 100 calories worth of broccoli is metabolically identical to 100 calories of jelly donut (that would be about five bites, by the way). It’s all about what you eat. The right kind of low calorie recipes There is a kernel of truth in the movement toward controlling the number of calories you consume.  You shouldn’t overeat.  Consuming large quantities per sitting can induce excess insulin, which has a host of negative side effects, not the least of which is systemic inflammation and excess fat storage. That said, the calorie quotient takes care of itself when you choose the right kinds of foods.  There simply isn’t enough stomach space to grossly overeat when you’re eating the right kinds of foods in your low calorie recipes. The right foods for your low calorie recipes What foods should you eat?  Following this simple dietary prescription will help generate the metabolic conditions necessary to consume fat for metabolic energy, rather than just blood sugars.  This will be a far more effective weight loss strategy than merely counting calories.  You won’t need to count calories, because eating the right foods will automatically generate effective low calorie recipes. Here they are (also see our post on fat burning foods and weight loss tips): Eat sufficient proteins. Contrary to popular myth, meat isn’t evil. Eat vegetables. If in doubt, eat more vegetables.  Eat the ones you love, but be sure to sample a wide variety in your diet. Eat seeds and nuts. Another completely false dietary belief is that eating fats makes you fat.  Your body is designed to consume fat for energy.  Moderation applies, of course, but nuts are completely OK. Enjoy fruit in moderation. Not fruit juice, which is all sugar and no fiber; eat raw, natural fruit. Cut down on starches. Drop breads from your diet.  Enjoy potatoes and rice in moderation. Cut out sugar. This is the most important step in regaining control of your waist line.  You can enjoy an occasional dessert (once per week or so), but you need to get sugar out of your world otherwise.  It’s the leading cause of obesity in America. There you have it.  Everything you need to create healthy low calorie recipes for sustainable good health. Health and wellness resources: Diets that work – Clean eating – Fat burning foods – Weight loss tips – How to lose belly fat – Reduce weight naturally – Quickest way to lose weight – Low calorie recipes – Lose weight in 2 weeks – Best exercise to lose weight – Tips to lose weight Business and insurance resources: Over 50 life insurance – Commercial insurance – Redundancy insurance – Building insurance – No exam life insurance – Life insurance over 50 Private medical insurance Travel resources: A2B transfers – Cancellation holidays – Vacation packages – Broadway travel – Travel insurance over 70 – Global late deals – Holiday insurance – Holiday villas – Travel insurance for pre existing medical ... Read More